Dru i varur në mur, ikonë shumë e hollësishme dhe e gjallë e stilit bizantin. Imazhi i ikonës është stil bizantin i shtypur me cilësi të lartë (letër me shkëlqim). Ikona është bërë me ngjyra të vërteta ikonografie dhe është një kopje e një ikonë bizantine.
9x6.5cm / 3.5x2.5in - trashësi 10 mm (MDF)
20x15cm / 7.9x6in - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)
20x27cm / 7.9x10.6in - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)
28x38 cm / 11x15 në - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)
Shtresa e ikonave:
Riprodhimi i shtypur me cilësi të lartë.
Nëse keni ndonjë pyetje, ju lutem mos ngurroni të na kontaktoni.
Shën Dorotheu
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Saint Dorotheos was a shepherd who had "the education of knowledge and the truth in the law" (Romans 2: 20). That is, the exact knowledge and truth, which is found in the Law, in the Old and New Testaments.
When the murderous persecution against the Church broke out in the years of Diocletian, his flock, in order to lose his precious shepherd, with fervent pleas succeeded and persuaded him to leave the place of persecution. He left for Dysso, a city in Thrace, where he practiced until this savage persecution passed. When the storm of persecution passed, he returned to his flock and with all the paternal affection that distinguished him, supported the weak in faith and pioneered in helping the widows, orphans, the sick, and generally the afflicted.
He lived for many years. He even prevented the reign of Julian the Transgressor. The pagans, however, who were protected by this emperor, captured Dorothea and after torturing him mercilessly killed him in 362 AD. Thus he won the crown of martyrdom. Dorotheos was then 107 years old.
Today his ecclesiastical book is preserved, for the 70 disciples of Jesus Christ.It celebrates on June 5 of each year.