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Dru i varur në mur, ikonë shumë e hollësishme dhe e gjallë e stilit bizantin. Imazhi i ikonës është stil bizantin i shtypur me cilësi të lartë (letër me shkëlqim). Ikona është bërë me ngjyra të vërteta ikonografie dhe është një kopje e një ikonë bizantine.

9x6.5cm / 3.5x2.5in - trashësi 10 mm (MDF)
20x15cm / 7.9x6in - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)
20x27cm / 7.9x10.6in - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)
28x38 cm / 11x15 në - trashësi 18 mm (Novopan)

Shtresa e ikonave:
Riprodhimi i shtypur me cilësi të lartë.

Nëse keni ndonjë pyetje, ju lutem mos ngurroni të na kontaktoni.

Shën Joan Pagëzori

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  • The next day of the Epiphany, it was established to celebrate the memory of the great prophet John Prodromos. John was the son of the priest Zacharias and Elizabeth. Until the age of thirty, he lived an ascetic life in the Judean desert, devoted entirely to prayer, study, and spiritual and moral perfection. His clothes were made of camel hair, he had a leather belt in his waist and his food consisted of locusts and wild honey. In the form of a sunburned, serious, dignified and dynamic, Ioannis immediately showed an extraordinary and wonderful physiognomy. He had all the qualifications of a great and imposing preacher of the divine word. Thus, with great grace he preached "the crowds." He blazed and struck the Pharisee arrogant arrogance,which under the outer garment of hypocrisy hid the most disgusting wounds of mental cruelty and impurity. In general, his teaching is summed up in his characteristic phrase, "Repent; come unto the kingdom of heaven," thus preparing the way of our Lord Jesus Christ for His saving work. When Christ began his public ministry, the people slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give birth to thorns of jealousy and envy in a non-Christian teacher or philosopher. On the contrary, it caused great joy and gladness in John. This feast of John the Baptist, for which the Lord said that no man was greater than he, was established in the 5th AD. century.His teaching is summed up in his characteristic phrase: "Repent; come unto the kingdom of heaven," thus preparing the way of our Lord Jesus Christ for His saving work. When Christ began his public ministry, the people slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give rise to thorns of jealousy and envy in a non-Christian teacher or philosopher. On the contrary, it caused great joy and gladness in John. This feast of John the Baptist, for which the Lord said that no man was greater than he, was established in the 5th AD. century.His teaching is summed up in his characteristic phrase: "Repent; come unto the kingdom of heaven," thus preparing the way of our Lord Jesus Christ for His saving work. When Christ began his public ministry, the people slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give birth to thorns of jealousy and envy in a non-Christian teacher or philosopher. On the contrary, it caused great joy and gladness in John. This feast of John the Baptist, for which the Lord said that no man was greater than he, was established in the 5th AD. century.the people slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give rise to thorns of jealousy and envy in a non-Christian teacher or philosopher. On the contrary, it caused great joy and gladness in John. This feast of John the Baptist, for which the Lord said that no man was greater than he, was established in the 5th AD. century.the people slowly left John and followed Him. This reversal, of course, would cause great bitterness and would give birth to thorns of jealousy and envy in a non-Christian teacher or philosopher. On the contrary, it caused great joy and gladness in John. This feast of John the Baptist, for which the Lord said that no man was greater than he, was established in the 5th AD. century.

    Also, today we celebrate the fact of the transfer to Constantinople of the Holy Hand of St. John the Baptist, which took place in the following way: When the Evangelist Luke went to the city of Sevasti, where Prodromos was buried, he received his right hand from his tomb , carried it to Antioch, where by the grace of God he performed many miracles. From Antioch, the Holy Hand was moved to Constantinople in 957 by the deacon Job. There the benevolent emperor, after embracing her with great respect, placed her in the royal palace. The gathering of the faithful, in remembrance of the event of the relocation of the honorable Hand of the Forerunner to Constantinople, took place in the area of ​​Foraki (or Sforaki).

    Also, today we celebrate the Miracle of the Forerunner in Chios against the Agarines.

    It celebrates on January 7 of each year.


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