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Dru i varur në mur, ikonë shumë e hollësishme dhe e gjallë e stilit bizantin. Imazhi i ikonës është stil bizantin i shtypur me cilësi të lartë (letër me shkëlqim). Ikona është bërë me ngjyra të vërteta ikonografie dhe është një kopje e një ikonë bizantine.



9x6.5cm / 3.5x2.5in

20x15cm / 7.9x6in

20x27cm / 7.9x10.6in

28x38 cm / 11x15in


Shtresa e ikonave:

Riprodhimi i shtypur me cilësi të lartë.


Nëse keni ndonjë pyetje, ju lutem mos ngurroni të na kontaktoni.

Shën Isak Siriani

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  • Saint Isaac the Syrian did not have a specific date of celebration in the Greek Orthodox calendar.

    It was customary to mention his name on January 28 along with the other great Syrian father of the Church, Saint Ephraim.

    However, a few years ago, on the initiative of the holy elder Paisios of Mount Athos, who greatly revered Saint Isaac, his entourage was compiled and September 28 was chosen as a day to celebrate his holy memory.

    In fact, the first church of Osios was built on Mount Athos, in a cell of a monk accompanied by the elder Paisios.

    From the book "Ascetic Reasons. Abbas Isaac of Syros ", Apostolos Barnabas Publications, we read:

    Our holy father Isaac, the great and wonderful in virtue, this heavenly man and earthly angel, of that wonderful Abraham not a son, but a true descendant, there was the genus Syros, and according to others he was born in Nineveh, the city of Mesopotamia. others were born and raised in a town not far from Edessa, a city in Syria.

    Who were the parents of this blessed father and what condition people were and how they were called, is unknown. We know, however, that this uncle's father at the height of his age renounced the world and went into the world after his brother in a convent, in those parts of the holy martyr Matthew called, where many others then exercised the angelic state.

    After dressing the angelic figure and the way and the life and exercising in the ascetic struggles and pains and being saturated with the milk of practical virtue and after in a sufficient way he slept the naughty passions of the flesh and plunged the flesh into the spirit, he longed for her solid of spirit food.

    And immediately he left the parish and from all that holy fraternity and he came as a thirsty deer to the springs of water in a deserted place, far from the world and the fellowship of many, he lived in a solitary cell, alone in the spirit of God and of himself .

    When his brother-in-law took over the presidency of the parish, he repeatedly wrote to him and begged him, in due course, to return to his first repentance, but Uncle Isaac sweetened the sweetness of the theory of spirit and the study of divine concepts and mental prayer, completely he did not pay attention to his brother's pleas, nor did he consent to leave the quiet carefree and untroubled. And since the supplications could not succeed in his return, a divine revelation invited them from above to the hierarchical oversight of the Nineveh church. And if any of his brethren had heard of it before, but later in the divine voice did he bow his neck in humiliation. So the philanthropic and peaceful Isaac leaves the desert and peace and the bishop of Nineveh presides.

    Of course, the lamp should not have been hidden in the desert, but should have been placed on the pastoral lamp, in order to illuminate the light of teaching and virtue in the far reaches of the desert, but this lasted for a while, and so that the light just dawned and appeared. on the horizon of the church, and again he dressed and hid because this holy father suffered the same as Uncle Gregory the theologian, who when he was elected bishop of Sassimon, immediately left there. Reasons for the immediate departure of Father Isaac from the episcopal position was the following incident.

    When the saint was ordained and sat in the episcopal house, two Christians appeared before him, one was a lender, the other a debtor; days deadline but that ruthless lender, said that if he does not repay me, today this loan, I always hand it over to the judge. And the Holy Father Isaac says to him, child, if for the commandment of the Gospel you owe even the things that were forcibly taken away from you not to ask, how much more should you not endure for a few days a day the one who begs you? And that ruthless lender, let alone, father, already the gospel, said boldly and left from there. As soon as Saint Isaac heard this, he said to himself if they do not obey the commandments of the holy gospel, then what am I here to do? He said this, and immediately went back to the desert, and came and lived in his first cell, where until his death he bravely and steadfastly endured.

    What struggle did this blessed father undertake against the demons and the flesh, and who existed in practical and theoretical virtue, and how much soul perfection he attained, and what gifts he claimed in life while living on earth, all this is needless to say. someone · As they are easily understood by the same words contained in this book.

    "Many times after these documents, my fingers were left on the map, and they did not suffer against the pleasure, the falling in my heart, and the suffocating senses". In this one must admire the virtue of the uncle father, that while he was far away from the people, he was ignited by the love for them, as he himself, protesting about himself, says in the same speech, "for I am a child, silence, but I become foolish for the benefit of the brethren, because this is either love or true, so that I can endure some mystery from her loved ones "; . and the senses of suffocation ". In this one must admire the virtue of the uncle father, that while he was far away from the people, he was ignited by the love for them, as he himself, protesting about himself, says in the same speech, "for I am a child, silence, but I become foolish for the benefit of the brethren, because this is either love or true, so that I can endure some mystery from her loved ones "; . and the senses of suffocation ". In this one must admire the virtue of the uncle father, that while he was far away from the people, he was ignited by the love for them, as he himself, protesting about himself, says in the same speech, "for I am a child, silence, but I become foolish for the benefit of the brethren, because this is either love or true, so that I can endure some mystery from her loved ones "; .

    The saint lived like this, starting from the seventh millennium from the creation of the world, which is taken from a passage of the thirty-third word, where he says of the demons, This makes it clear that when he wrote the speech, the six hundred thousandth year since the creation of the world was already over.

    It celebrates on September 28 of each year.

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